Invest in your community – Donate today!
“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest” – Ben Franklin
As our law enforcement officers face ever-increasing assaults and the complexities of protecting our communities from terrorism, their need for training becomes ever more important. Today’s world is complicated and more is expected and placed on our first responders.
The HRLETF is a “not-for-profit 501(C)3” corporation whose primary mission is to provide “state of the art” facilities and educational services to our Denver Metropolitan law enforcement agencies. This private/public partnership provides regular services to (64) state, federal and local public law enforcement agencies representing about 2800 officers.
These facilities and services are here to help those who protect us. Every dollar, or in-kind service donated, is used directly for facility improvements, maintenance, or the equipment necessary for superior training. Please donate today or contact us for more information.
Donations via Personal or Business check should be mailed to:
ATTN: Audra Garton
6001 Ron King Trail
Littleton, CO 80125